Monday, June 30, 2008

Young Adult Focus 2

There was a study released released recently in the U.S. of United Methodist lay and clergy. One of the questions was something like - would you like to see more young adults in your church, and the result was of course over 90% Yes! A follow-up question was asked - are you willing to make some changes necessary in your congregation to attract them? 40ish% answered yes. There is obviously a disconnect between our desire and our will in this area.

There is so much to say here that I'll reflect on this in several posts in order to make easier the conversation. I really hope this conversation can help my friends in the British and American churches come to grips with the most challenging and exciting issue facing the church today.
Young people and all people need to know Jesus, love God and have the joy of serving God in the world.

I have the privileging of serving on the Texas Conference delegation to Jurisdictional Conference in July 08 where we will elect bishops. This last Spring we have interviewed candidates for bishop on of whom was a man named Steve Rankin. Steve is a chaplain at a Methodist college in Kansas. He works with young adults all the time. When asked by our delegation, how do we bring young adults into the church, he replied, "well, first we don't start by bringing young adults into the church." We didn't know what to think of that but he quickly went on to say that young adults are looking for authentic relationships and Christian church folk must first engage young people right where they are. We must talk about what life is all about, what is important to them, get to know them at a personal level. Tell them about Jesus and where we came to learn more about him, what a difference he makes in our lives and what a difference he makes in the world. The key is and always has been - Relationships, relationships, relationships. We must pray and work at having real authentic relationships with people and not just within the walls of the church but anywhere people are. This is what our God did in Jesus - He sought relationship with us so intensely that he sent Jesus, Himself incarnate in the world so as to connect even closer with people. What we need to do as the church is essentially the incarnational ministry of Christ in this age.


gmw said...

great stuff, bro.

Jerry S said...

I agree that leading people to Christ is the first step in leading them to the church. While I would not limit the ways in which God can work, few, if any, come to a worship service without being invited by a person they know and respect.

Tommy said...

Good word Jerry. You're right, developing relationships of respect and trust are key.

mindy said...

I've pulled some quotes for us to use on staff as we move ahead with our target group of "young families". Great focus - I have been reading them outloud to Mark.g