Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Night at the Orchestra

Bethany and I love orchestra concerts. As grace would have it, we were invited for dinner one night a few weeks ago here in England, to the home of a young couple in the Whitefield Church. The Fischers also invited a young couple that live across from them. Tom and Jenny live there with their two young children. Tom is a professional musician and plays in the Halle Orchestra, the premiere symphony orchestra in Manchester and one of the top in all of England. Tom plays the french horn. A few days after our dinner, he graciously made arrangements for us to attend a concert with the Fischers. My parents were here at that time so they kept Addie and enjoyed time with her while we spent the night at the orchestra. It was wonderful. The music for that night was of all things, the music of Frank Sinatra. The orchestra played (strings, winds, brass and percussion) and a guest soloist sang the tunes of these famous songs. I have to say it was really cool to hear "New York, New York" sung by this soloist and this orchestra in England! They were terrific. The orchestra is one of the best I've ever heard and the singer totally hit the mark on Sinatra. It's funny that when people sing, you can't discern an accent. I've noticed it at church and at this concert. Maybe they can hear mine but I can't hear a British accent when they are singing. Maybe that confirms the saying that "music is the universal language."

1 comment:

Mama Jim said...

Oh what a wonderful time you and Bethany must be having. I, too, love orchestra music and sounds like you were lucky enough to have the cream of the crop preformed for you!! I've so enjoyed keeping up with your travels and the exciting things you all are doing....miss you all. Safe travels and keep us posted. See you when you return. Our best, Jim & Judy