Monday, September 28, 2009

Sharing the love of God

This Sunday, October 4th we celebrate World Communion Sunday. It is an annual celebration among Christian churches around the world lifting up our unity in Christ in the midst of our diversity as people. We will have Holy Communion, we’ll have some information in our bulletin about opportunities to share in world-wide ministry through the United Methodist Church, and ways Woodville UMC already gives to world-wide missions. It will be a beautiful day of worship.
This past Sunday we continued our focus on discipleship. The Gospel word from Matthew was to “bring the kingdom near” to others. We can do this as a church and as individual Christians when we speak and show the love of Christ in our daily lives. Through the gifts we have been given we can offer God’s love in ordinary ways and watch God make them extraordinary gifts to a world in need of His love. We invited everyone at the close of worship to pray and think about ways each one of us could offer the love of God to someone else. Some came forward and recommitted their lives to Jesus Christ. Others came knowing they had a gift to give. Others stood supportively pondering no doubt what they could do. Next to this column, you’ll see here what one family did immediately following worship. The Pate family has been visiting our church; their daughter Ana is active in our youth group and is a confirmation student. What a wonderful response to God’s call!
Woodville UMC is already doing great things for the kingdom of God. Our small groups are growing, our youth ministry is growing in number and depth, missions are outstanding and the Wesley Center can become a vital place for ministry. Keep praying and exploring ways God may be stretching us to reach out and “bring the kingdom near” to people. I feel the fire of the Lord growing and shining in us and through us. Whether its sports, music, cooking, talking, driving, reading or something else, we can offer the love of God in some way. I’m so inspired by the Pate family’s offering of love…I would love to hear about yours. God bless you in your efforts to share the love of God.
See you Sunday,

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stewardship and Discipleship

What a vibrant growing congregation we are a part of!!! Take a scan through this newsletter and you'll see the movement of the Holy Spirit among the people. We are worshipping, learning, growing and serving.
I want to say a word this week about another part of our membership covenant. When we commit ourselves to Christ and His church we joyfully commit to prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Giving of our monetary resources is a natural response to the abundant generosity of God in Jesus Christ. Living as a disciple of Jesus Christ influences all of our lives, including our financial priorities.
What an amazing testament and witness to this truth in our Building Stewardship Campaign. Through economic fears, anxiety and loss, this congregation looked ahead and pledged generously to a future in ministry.
I want to prayerfully encourage you today to stay diligent in your giving to the ongoing ministry of the church. Your ongoing giving supports our children's choir, our youth group, helping the needy, our missions projects for veterans, our United Methodist missions around the world and many many others. Your ongoing giving keeps the air cool and the lights on for pre-school children all week long in our Wee Wisdom school. In countless ways your giving makes the difference in someone's life for Christ. Thank you!
Soon you'll receive a third quarter giving statement from the church. With that, you'll see a word of thanks for your faithful giving. As we enter this final quarter of the year together, please notice where your giving stands and where you feel God is leading it to be at the close of 2009. Join Bethany and me in tithing (10% of income) or growing in your giving this last quarter. We have a wonderful new stewardship team at work who will be sharing and offering opportunities to learn about this part of discipleship.
Giving to the ongoing ministry of the church has positive ripple impact in people's lives every day. Every gift helps...growing in giving strengthens our journey as disciples and our ministry and mission as the church of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Standing in the Gap and Revival

Last Sunday in the sermon, we reflected on the Book of James and God's call to connect faith and works. An alive faith is one that serves and "stands in the gap" between rich and poor. I want to celebrate here briefly ministries at Woodville UMC that "stand in the gap" between rich and poor. Angel Food Ministries is one powerful way we live out our faith by offering discount food for people of all ages and backgrounds. Young families, elderly, middle class, working poor folks, folks of more means - all benefit from Angel Food Ministries. Praise God for this ministry and for those who faithfullly volunteer every month in it. John and Ofeira Gazzaway and Claudia Hiett coordinate that and many others volunteer, thank you!
Whether it is Caring is Sharing, Needle and Thread Ministries, Christmas in July, Angel Tree for children, our toiletry supplies for patients in need at our hospital or the many individual acts of loving kindness that happen, we stand in that place of alive faith that we were called to on Sunday. Again, praise God for all of those who quietly serve and live out that Biblical call.
Please make it a priority to be present for worship on Sunday morning, Sunday night and Monday night. As you will see in this newsletter, the Rev. Keith Tilley will join us for our annual revivial. Keith is a passionate, insightful, preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He will continue our discipleship focus and begin our Fall season of sermons on discipleship. Your spirit will be revived, you will be challenged and you will be excited by the Word from the Lord that Keith will bring. I have heard him preach on several occasions and always come away moved. I know you will also enjoy the hymn singing and special music that will lift our worship.