Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All Saints Sunday

“My shepherd will supply my need.” These words were sung Sunday in our worship service by the Lon Morris College Masters Singers. We could not have orchestrated better, its resonance with our theme, “Enough.” The Holy Spirit weaves worship together in ways that give me such joy. That sense of joy was very present Sunday in worship and after.
Our Sunday school classes, a Monday night group and our youth are studying the book Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity by the Rev. Adam Hamilton. This study could change your life. It is about life priorities, values and life practices all rooted in the Lord. It is thoroughly Biblical and makes good spiritual sense. I strongly encourage you to come to a class or group and get your hands on this material. There is a video portion to the study that is very engaging. As we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, this study is all the more relevant. God desires for us to experience joy in Him. What we have all found is that true joy is not found in the “stuff” we think is important. Those things are temporary and ultimately unsatisfying. So how do we discover everlasting joy? Through a life of simplicity and generosity rooted and grounded in Christ.
This Sunday, November 1st, we will also celebrate All Saints Sunday as we do each year at this time. Take a look here and see the names of those we will read and remember before God this Sunday. They are the members of our church family who have died since All Saints last year. We have a special time of remembrance and prayer planned and will celebrate Holy Communion as always this first Sunday of the month.
The name “saint” is one of the most misunderstood words in the Christian vocabulary. We usually think of people like the first disciples, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Mother Theresa and so forth. They are certainly saints but so are all those who have claimed the name of Christ and lived in Christian community through the church. That means those of you and these folks we’ll remember Sunday who lived this life. Saints are not perfect people. They like we are a mixed bag. Sinners one moment, heroes the next, but trying by the grace of God to repent, begin again and live for God each day. As we remember these folks on Sunday, let’s recommit ourselves to the life of Christian discipleship.
See you Sunday,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How firm a foundation

"Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone; chosen of the Lord and precious, binding all the church in one; holy Zion's help forever, and her confidence alone.

"How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in his excellent word! What more can he say than to you he hath said, to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?"

"The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; she is his new creation by water and the Word. From heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died."

These great Christian hymns speak powerfully the truth that our foundation as God's people, the church, is built on Jesus Christ. I'm writing this column as the concrete foundation is laid for the Wesley Center. The foundation will be set this week, metal and steel will be here next week and by Thanksgiving we are likely to have the skeleton structure standing. It is very exciting to see God bring to realization the vision that has been in our hearts for years now. As you read this, will you join with me in prayer?
Almighty God, you gave we your church, your Son Jesus Christ, as our one, only and true foundation. We humbly pause now to give you thanks and praise for guiding Woodville UMC to this season of ministry and opportunity. As the physical foundation is poured for Wesley Center, fill our hearts with such gratitude and joy that we overflow in love and service to others. Keep us ever mindful that as this building rises up, You are the rock, the sure and steady foundation on which we build our mission and ministry. Let all that happens be an outpouring of praise that gives you all the glory and honor. We pray joyfully in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Holy Spirit work

As you may know, I’ve been guiding a class on baptism for 3rd-5th graders for a few Wednesday afternoons now. What a great growing time we’ve had together. This Sunday we’ll celebrate some baptisms in church. What a special day for these children and families and for our church. What we have done is to teach these children about God’s love and grace and about the sacrament of Baptism in the Methodist way. Baptism is at its essence an act of God claiming a person as His own and an act that shows the prevenient grace of God that works in us. Prevenient grace is that grace which is working before we are even aware of it. Baptism is one sign of that grace. Before we choose God, God chooses us in baptism. He claims us as His own. I urge you to come Sunday and be the covenant community of faith for these children who will be baptized.
We also welcome our Wee Wisdom pre-school children to sing in worship this Sunday October 11th. Our Pre-school is close to full this year. They are learning and bustling with activity. Mary Nell Rainey, our director, and our teaching staff are doing a terrific job! There is nothing quite like the voices of children singing the songs of Christian faith they are learning. Let them lift your spirits this Sunday.
One of our layman, Clay Hart, shared his heart last Sunday. God led him to witness and to exhort us, particularly men, to mentor a child. He is right that Christian men role models are a high need in our society. We at the church are resisting the temptation to over-organize the movement of the Holy Spirit right now even though there are ways we can assist in its work. Therefore if your heart would lead you to exploring a mentoring opportunity please call Clay Hart. His number is 837-5330. He would warmly welcome your call. Any way the church can facilitate and help, we will.
Finally, I ask for your prayers next week as I embark on a new journey of equipping for my ministry. As I’ve shared before, I am beginning a program called “Advancing Pastoral Leadership.” It involves quarterly educational retreats the first of which is next Monday-Thursday, October 12-15. I will not miss a Sunday but will be away those days. Of course if you have an emergency, please call the church office and Sharon can reach me. You may also call Dixie Jarrott at 283-2003 for immediate prayer and care. I thank you for your prayers and your always faithful support.