Thursday, October 9, 2008

Knowing Jesus through Mark 15

At this stage in the Gospel, everything points to the cross. Here in chapter 15, we find Jesus "handed over" by the religious leaders to Pilate, the political authority. I would like to look at this chapter through the lens of the characters. Most chapters of course are filled with the actions of Jesus, his disciples and the masses. Often there is a named someone who has a personal interaction with Jesus. (note - Even though I am calling them characters, I'm not implying they were fictional as in a dramatic play)
Many of the characters we find here are new.

Chief priest, elders and scribes (professional interpreters of the Jewish law and repeatedly Jesus' opponents in Mark)
Pilate - Roman governor, ruling political authority who is portrayed by Mark as a reluctant participant in the trial and execution of Jesus (vs 14) Pilate served in his office from 26-36 AD.
Barrabas - in prison because of his apparent involvement in a rebel insurrection (vs 7) It's not clear which one Mark is referring to because they were many around this time but that detail doesn't seem relevant. He was a criminal who it seems is justifiably incarcerated (as opposed to Jesus).
The crowd - remember its Passover time so the city is full. Were some of the disciples in the crowd?
Soldiers - mock and humiliate Jesus by stripping his clothes, spitting on him and showing outright contempt. The "whole cohort" was a regiment of soldiers of about 200-600 troops. That might be an exaggeration. It doesn't seem like you would need that many for one prisoner but Mark seems to want us to understand the gravity of the situation.
Simon of Cyrene - "passer-by" to help Jesus carry the cross. No doubt journeying to Jerusalem for Passover. Cyrene is in present day Libya.
Bandits - no conversation is found here as in Luke's Gospel between Jesus and the others being crucified on eithe side of him. Again, I think the emphasis is his innocence with others guilt.
Others passing by while Jesus hangs from the cross - religious leaders again - mocking and humiliating Jesus
God - Jesus prays to his Father in the words of Psalm 22:1
Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, Salome - were present it seems along with other women who Mark notes, cared for and traveled with Jesus from Galilee. Although not one of 12 disciples, clearly these women were disciples in the broader sense, as we are. It's impossible to know if Mary mother of James is also Jesus' mother but could be.
Joseph of Aramithea - we don't know which council he was amember of but Mark indicates he was "waiting expectantly for the kingdom of God." He was a "respected member of the council" but Mark still notes that his approaching Pilate for Jesus' body was a "bold" action. He has Jesus entombed with dignity.

What do we learn about Jesus from this chapter?

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