Thursday, October 2, 2008

Knowing Jesus through Mark 13

It is first important to note with this chapter the probable composition period of Mark's Gospel - mid to late 60's AD.
Therefore what Jesus and his disciples discuss here is to be read in light of the probable cultural context of the 60's AD which I will briefly describe here.
- During the 60's AD, Christians experienced evil and harsh persecutions by the Roman empire, most notably led by the Emperor Nero. Christians were beaten, tortured, and executed. One Roman historian's comments seem to summarize the mindset - Christians are "notoriously depraved" and "are holding on to a deadly superstition."
- The Jews begin an active revolt against the Roman occupiers in 67 AD which lasts until 70AD at which time the temple in Jerusalem is destroyed. It is never rebuilt.
- The Jews are revolting against the Romans, they also turn inward and fight viciously among themselves.
- Jesus warns about the disciples reacting hastily at first (vs.7-8) about all that will happen (Mark here is recalling the words of Jesus that are prophesying what he is currently experiencing in the late 60's AD).
- Jesus soon tells his disciples that at the right time they should leave Jerusalem (vs14-16)
- This passage often invites discussion about the "second coming" of Jesus (see opening comments).

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