Friday, July 11, 2008

Young Adult Focus 3

I would like to offer three insights related to young adult lay leadership in the church as I have gleaned them from my British and American experiences and conversations thus far in ministry. The second and third are more pragmatic in nature:
1- Listen to their hopes and dreams, and struggles (not in a manufactured kind of way but in the course of relating with them in daily life) Listening actively is the best way to learn about their love for Christ and His church and for discerning the heart and gifts of a person.
2- Accelerate the pace of young adult's moving into lay leadership roles in the church. The church doesn't have time to spare, thinking that young adults can "pay their dues." If they have the gifts and graces for leadership roles - pledge to support, train and equip and then give them leadership roles now.
3- Don't give young adults jobs/offices in the church that have no specific responsibilities. Generation Xers and Millenials (people generally 40 and under) get frustrated quickly when they are given a role with unclear expectations. Example: don't make them an at-large member of the Church Council unless you can assign a task to them. The responsibility of an at-large member is typically to just show up to a meeting - might be the quickest way to bore a young adult.

*Main lesson is for the church to not be afraid. It has been my experience that in every congregation there are church veterans that are ready to pass the reins of leadership to a younger person and to begin to serve the role of mentor and encourager. There are healthy people in nearly every congregation that will do this if given permission. Find those folks and lift them up.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Hi Tommy Bethany & Addie, Just a note to thank you for the services you provided at Whitefield. I've found you impressions of the Uk very interesting. I intend to keep checking your blog and commenting when I can. Glad you had a safe journey back to the sun. Its still raining here!! I'm the womas who spoke to you about visiting the USA a number of times. I attend church with my son Mark. Thank again Ruth