Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Something fun and interesting

At the end of his show, "Inside the Actors Studio" host James Lipton asks a series of quick questions for quick response by his guests. They are fun and can be very insightful. For an icebreaker before small groups or Bible studies, I have often used a modified version (seen below) to help a group of people get to know each other. So, I'm inviting you now to respond with the first thing that comes to mind. Post your responses, I'll post mine.

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you not like?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
What would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


Tommy said...

1. nuance
2. fail
3. Listening to powerful Christian preaching
4. Negativity
5. Marching bands
6. Like everyone else - finger nails on a chalk board
7. Sports radio personality
8. Parachuter
9. Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

1. synthesis [nuance was taken ;^)]

2. for some reason, I'm having a hard time with this--do aspiring writers have least favorite words?

3. ideas: bringing narratives and/or concepts into conversation with one another and listening to what happens

4. work that is meaningless

5. rain

6. the sound that tells me I have voice mail (like people, like talking to people...for some reason, hate checking voice mail)

7. journalist

8. undertaker

9. "well done good and faithful servant" - predictable, eh? what can I say, I'm a traditionalist...

by the way, Tommy, speaking of interviewers, I listened to a lecture from Charlie Rose on the role of the interview in the changing landscape of journalism on the Yale Univ podcast at iTunes U. I haven't figured out how to send a link to those yet, but I could walk you to it. cool stuff.

mindy said...

all your siblings...i guess we all enjoy lists! Wonder where we got that from?!

1. I've been on an "Awesome" kick lately.
2. ego
3. Uplifting conversation.
4. Laziness
5. Landon's giggle
6. Alarm clock buzz
7. Doggie Daycare Worker! :)
8. Pilot
9. Mine is same as Guy's.
But I really imagine just Arms Wide Open.

naomi said...

I think you can tell I'm a simple being and thoroughly enjoying my time as a young mother...

1. Mummy

2. Mum - it means my children are growing up!

3. A challenge

4. "but we tried that...."

5. My baby laughing

6. Tutting

7. If I knew that I'd be doing it!

8. Lots but basically anything that involves dirt and long hours

9. "You took your time"