Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Worship Fully

In this season of Advent I'm sharing with the Creed Sunday school class some study on something called "The Advent Conspiracy." This is a study that lifts up four values that I want to offer during these weeks of Advent with you in this space. They are to -
Worship fully
Spend less
Give more
Love all
To worship fully is to acknowlege that Christmas is about God's gift of Jesus to the world and the way we recognize that greatest of gift is through worship. If we don't make space and time to worship God fully, our Christmas is being spent worshipping something else be it stuff, shopping, food, toys, whatever. The point that the authors of Advent Conspiracy make is that we worship something the question is, is it Jesus? God gave to us in Jesus, what matters most, His presence. When we worship we give what matters most - our presence.
When we look at the Christmas story we see clearly that it is about worshipping the God made flesh in the Christ-child. Those who came to that manger long ago, worshipped. Lowly, grungy, common shepherds and three wise men. Some came with something in their hands (gold, frankencense, myrhh) but all brought themselves.
Let's bring our whole selves and worship God fully this Advent/Christmas season.
For more info about "Advent Conspiracy" check out the Tyler County Booster community newspaper this week and

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