Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Offer them Christ

Dear friends, it's a thrilling time to be a part of the Woodville UMC family. This week the construction of the Wesley Center has taken great leaps forward. If you have driven by the church, you'll see that there is frame up, rafters are being set in place and later this week, walls will begin to be filled in. The expectation is that if rain stays away for a couple of weeks, we will have a "dried in" building by Thanksgiving. The inside work is what will take longest. The workers will spend Winter and Spring getting the inside ready for use. As of now we don't have a target completion time but we look forward to the ministry and mission that will happen in that space.
Now is as a great time as any to invite someone to church. Bring them to worship with you, invite their children and youth to participate in Sunday school and Sunday night youth time. Every Sunday night at youth we average 18-25 youth. We have 7 in our confirmation class, several of whom will be confirmed November 22nd.
Most of all, let's be diligent in our prayer for the ministry that God can do through us. Wesley Center is but a vehicle, an instrument, a space for ministry for the glory of God. It will be a beautiful structure that will tie in to our church campus magnificently. That in itself is a testament to our faith. However we are most passionate about what will occupy that space, the lives that will be changed in that space because of their encounter with God, the joy, the fellowship, the worship, the mission that will happen, all because we are making room for it. That's really what this is about.
As we grow together in Christ, let's invite others to grow with us. Keep your "evangelism antenna" up. Offer them Christ through experiencing this community of faith we call Woodville UMC.

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