Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Honor Graduates

This Sunday we recognize and celebrate our High School graduating seniors, Jeni Peterson and Sydnie Hooper. I look forward to standing with them and our scholarship committee and awarding them a church scholarship for their studies beyond high school. Joined by their families, we will have a lunch after worship in their honor.
This Sunday is also the first Sunday with Jimmy Robertson who returns this summer as our youth director. Stephen Gehrings also joins us as our summer pastoral intern. Please be in prayer for both of these young men as they lead and learn about ministry here in Woodville. Stephen and I will be attending an orientation for that internship on Thursday and Friday of this week in Galveston.
Church life experiences seasons just as we do in other parts of life. Worship Attendance fluctuates through the year, giving fluctuates through the year and so forth. Summer is one of those seasons. Children are out of school, family vacations are planned, summer camps are attended, and long weekends are enjoyed. Routines and habits are more fluid during the summer. I mention all of this to say that I hope for your walk with Christ that you will do two things this summer: When you are in town, make a commitment to be in worship and make a commitment to fulfill your giving to the ministries of the church. Our summer ministries like Vacation Bible School, Bible studies and youth ministries will be as strong as ever and in some ways more active. I have found that summer time often allows for more time, not less, to devote to the Lord. When you see Bible studies and fellowship opportunities advertised and announced, take advantage of them; your life will be blessed because of it and you will be a blessing to somebody else.
Thank you for your faithfulness in every way to the ministry of the church. The doors of the church opened, lives transformed, calls to ministry are heard by people because of the gifts you give and the time you spend with God in your church family.

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