Monday, February 23, 2009

Lent 2009

This Sunday, March 1st is the First Sunday of Lent. Lent is that season of spiritual preparation that leads to Easter. Our theme for Lent 2009 is “40 Days of Love.” Each week we will emphasize one way we can move closer and deeper in relationship with God through our relationships with one another. We will search the scriptures together about repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, prayer and worship. This search will involve tangible acts of love shown toward someone else. Each worship service starting this Sunday, will be themed around “40 Days of Love.” We’ll celebrate Holy Communion and hear music and prayers around these Biblical calls to holiness. Our staff and volunteers are preparing special reminders and worship decoration that will open us to the work of the Holy Spirit in worship and for the week.
I ask you to do two things this Lent. First, make worship a priority. I promise you that walking this whole journey with Jesus can be a life-changing time if you will place yourself in a position to experience it, and that starts with worship. Second, invite someone to experience it with you. That someone might be in your household, husband, wife, child, or grandchild. It may be a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker, a stranger. Don’t assume they already go to church somewhere, 50% of our community is un-churched. When you invite them, help make it happen for them – tell them you’ll pick them up on your way to church, invite them to eat lunch with you after church, and when they come, make sure they get information about our church and meet others while they are here. All of this will make it more likely they come and more likely their experience is positive. God’s grace is available all the time but the season of Lent can be an awesome and special time to experience it.
On another note, last Sunday, we introduced our new Director of Music Ministries. Jim Lazenby has many years of directing experience in church and school choirs of all ages, with hand-bells and instruments. Jim has a deep love for God and one powerful way he expresses that is through the musical gifts God gave him. Jim is a lifelong Methodist, growing up in Houston and living in Texas and Oklahoma. He has a Bachelors degree in Sacred Music from Southwestern University and a Masters in Music Education from Stephen F. Austin State University. Jim is excited to take on this challenge and we welcome him enthusiastically. Jim and his wife Glenda are already members of our church as is Jim’s Dad, Jesse. Take a moment to welcome Jim personally when you see him.

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