Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Coming on the Gospel of Mark

The First – Knowing Jesus through the Gospel of Mark

Most Biblical scholars agree that Mark was the first Gospel recorded on paper, probably between the years 64 and 68 AD. It was likely used as a source by the writers of Matthew and Luke. Mark therefore contains the earliest written recording of Jesus’ life and ministry.
For 10 weeks, Woodville United Methodist Church is going to focus on knowing Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Through sermons and through study during the Sunday school hour, from adults through youth, we will seek to grow in our knowledge of this Gospel. We trust that God will use this dynamic time to strengthen our knowledge of and love for Jesus and increase our confidence to share the story of Jesus with others.
During Sunday morning worship, I'll be preaching our way through Mark. Each Adult and Youth Sunday school class will focus on the Gospel of Mark. Our prime resource will be Mark for Everyone, by Tom Wright. In this blog space, I will post each week an outline of my study in preparation for the following Sunday's sermon. I invite and welcome your comments.
Let’s start the journey together! Beginning Sunday, August 10 – (I'll post the first entry the week leading up to the 1oth)

1 comment:

gmw said...

cool! looking forward to it!