Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Heritage Sunday

What a glorious Easter season and celebration we have shared together! Our worship attendance has been sky high for three Sundays in a row. We have been close to 200 two of those Sundays and close to 300 on Easter, as you'll see below. Sharon Dominy and I looked back at our records and find that our Easter crowd was the largest Easter attendance in almost 20 years! Truly the Lord is doing a powerful work among us.
I am so thrilled at the continuity of ministry that I trust Bryan Harkness will bring to Woodville. Our lay leadership met him and his wife Carol last weekend. Bryan is a passionate Christian, a good listener and an experienced pastor. He will bring strong and capable leadership to Woodville. He and Carol are impressed with the visionary leadership of our lay leaders and are looking forward to coming to a small community. As you have read, they have two small children, one who will enter kindergarten this Fall here and another who will begin in our Wee Wisdom pre-school. Join me in praying for Bryan, Carol, Rachel and Brayton and their ministry in Woodville come June.
This Sunday, April 18th, we will celebrate our annual Heritage Sunday. Every year, Woodville UMC gives an award to an outstanding lay person for Christian service. This person is selected by ballot among our Church Council. This year, we will also award an honorary Heritage Award. You won't want to miss this celebration as well as the passionate worship we'll give to God together. After worship, we'll enjoy a Covered Dish lunch to honor our receipients and to share in time of Christian fellowship and community.